In My Shoes: Ginnie Chadwyck-Healey
Virginia Chadwyck-Healey is a British stylist and fashion writer. A mother of 3, Ginnie worked at British Vogue for 12 years before launching VCH Style in 2018. As a private client stylist, she encourages sustainable shopping habits and ethical awareness, embracing the need for fewer, better quality pieces. Ginnie also works with independent brands of all sizes, is a contributor to Sky News, writes a weekly column, Dressing for Britain in the Sunday Telegraph, and is an Ambassador for the charity SmartWorks. Follow @ginniech00.
Tell us a little about you.
Google me and you'll read about Post Natal Depression and that I worked at Vogue.....but the reality is that I'm a writer and fashion lover who is determined to build a brand that people can trust to research (on their behalf) fashion companies doing good; for their people and the planet. I launched VCHStyle in 2017 and I love it. It's chaotic and creative but with 3 children working for myself really works for me.
How do you start your day?
A cup of apple cider vinegar by Willy's. And a bowl of Shreddies with my children.
What is your fashion philosophy?
Buy Fewer, Buy Better. You don't need half as many items as you think you do.
Can you share a styling trick with us?
'Matchy matchy' is not the only option. For instance, a red dress looks fab with soft pink shoes. Stick to 3 colours maximum and you can't go wrong.
Who inspires you?
Oh this question..... my friends get me through. My husband makes me laugh when I want to cry. My children, parents and in laws keep me grounded. In their own ways, they all inspire me to develop VCH Style, the brand, whilst reminding me to keep Ginnie (the daughter, mother, sister, wife and friend) and my feet firmly on the ground!
How do you unwind?
'Call my Agent' and a glass of red wine. Or a Mark Wright work out. (No I'm not kidding).
If you could visit anywhere in the world, where would it be?
Any AMAN resort EVER - not to be confused with The Chedi, Oman which I also wouldn't turn down!
Can you tell us something you discovered recently?
Julia Samuel's talks on instagram. She has such a beautifully calm and kind tone.
What is the best part of your job?
There are no barriers. No hierarchies to navigate. It is quite a freeing yet challenging day job. If I need to contact someone there's only me to do it. So every day is a leap of faith.
Which shoes do you love this season?
The Aga Crystal. I don't think I've bought smart flats for SO long that these winked at me from the website. But Rupert also knows my RS obsession is the White Clava Pebble. BEST SHOE EVER. I bought them 4 years ago and adore them every time they come out.