In My Shoes | Honey Sweet Elias
Honey Sweet Elias is the Associate Market Editor at British Vogue and works across the Global Fashion Network. Honey began her career in fashion assisting some of London's top stylists, such as Cathy Kasterine and Hannah Teare. She then became Fashion Assistant at the FT's How To Spend It magazine, moving to British Vogue. Her work at Vogue has seen her work with some of the world's most exciting talent, and this year she styled the new Editor in Chief Chioma Nnadi for the Met Gala. Follow @honeysweetelias.
How do you start your day?
I have a strict morning routine of waking up at 6:35 on the dot and proceed to check my emails, replying to anything pressing. I will then do a cold ice water bath for my face 7x for 10 seconds each, shower, walk my dog around the block, sit and do more emails on my phone while I have a cup of hot water before heading into the office.
What is your fashion philosophy?
Don't try to be anyone but yourself!
Can you share your top tip and a styling trick?
A top tip in life is don't ever worry about what others are doing, stay in your zone - if you want something it will come with patience and just believe in it. We are all on our own journeys.
A styling trick for me is comfort is key!
What inspires you?
People that have a real love and passion for what they do & are driven. Real working hard people that aren't afraid to get their hands dirty & by doing it at their best ability.
How do you unwind?
Peace, quiet and space is a must for me - it gives me room to breathe, stay grounded and be grateful of what I have & achieved. I am a huge introvert so anything that is a home comfort, my family, my dog, the countryside and a cup of tea always!
If you could visit anywhere in the world tomorrow, where would it be?
This island on the east coast of the USA - it is my safe place, a place where I can be 100% at peace. There's something truly magical about the island. It is where I get inspired and think of ideas etc... It reminds me of the countryside where I grew up and the total privacy you have access to is what makes it so great, the nature and ocean is truly something! (Only a few know the island I'm talking about).
Can you tell us something you discovered recently?
That I can manage to walk in heels! (took me a while)
What is the best part of your job?
Being able to work with people who have the same passion and drive as me. Nothing more collaborative than this!
Which shoes do you love this season?
Neptune Sandal for summer and the Pippa Slingbacks this season.