In My Shoes: Natalie Kingham

Natalie Kingham is a global luxury brand, fashion and commerce consultant. She started her fashion career aged 20 as a sales assistant at Joseph in Westbourne Grove, where she worked directly with Joseph Ettedugi to buy in clothes from some of the most inspirational British brands. Natalie joined MatchesFashion in 2010 as an international womenswear buyer, later becoming fashion and buying director and global fashion officer before launching her own consultancy. Follow @nataliekingham
How do you start your day?
Normally with coffee and lighting incense or the diffuser…I adore smells so having fresh coffee and incense going makes me happy.
What is your fashion philosophy?
Once you know your style it’s so much easier, you will always then be comfortable and exude effortless confidence which is always the best style - style is much, much more than lots of clothes.
Can you share your top tip?
Always have fun end enjoy fashion and how it makes you feel. No matter your age, the transformative power of lipstick, a new haircut or new shoes is unparalleled for our mental well-being.
Who inspires you?
My daughter inspires me for so many reasons.
How do you unwind?
Going to my new cottage in Hastings and waking up to a beautiful vie , light and air I am very happy there.
If you could visit anywhere in the world tomorrow, where would it be?
Maldives or Bora Bora.
Can you tell us something you discovered recently?
I love discovering - I have discovered some new music, South London band Dry Cleaning and the composer Max Richter; they are very different styles and I love them both and am seeing both live this year.
What is the best part of your job?
I love working with creative people, it literally feeds my soul. I love being able to bring advice and help them on their journey… I have an entrepreneurial spirt and I love my job every day. It is so important to love what you do.